How many views on YouTube to make money.

How many views on YouTube to make money? This is a common question asked by many content creators on the platform. The answer is not so simple. While there are a number of ways to make money on YouTube, the amount of money you can make is largely dependent on the number of views your videos generate.

How many viewed YouTube videos make you richer and more successful?

In this article, we will be discussing how many YouTube views you need to make money. We all know that the more views you have on your videos, the more successful you will be as a YouTuber. But what is the magic number? How many views do you need to make a living off of YouTube? Well, unfortunately, there is no one definitive answer to this question.

What it takes to earn money.

BUT, there are some numbers that you have to know.

1,000 views per day.

If you have 1000 views per day, you have a healthy audience that is paying attention to your content. It's important to note that the higher the view count, the more money you will make.

10,000 views per day.

If you have 10,000 views per day, you are a full-time YouTuber. Most YouTubers make money monthly, but you are making money daily.

100,000 views per day.

If you have 100,000 views per day, you are a popular YouTuber. You are the type of person that other YouTubers would want to team up with.

500,000 views per day.

If you have 500,000 views per day, you are a successful YouTuber.

Make sure you upload 2-3 videos a week.

YouTube is a video based platform, so you can't make money unless you are creating a lot of videos. The magic number is 2-3 videos per week.



You can make money on YouTube in two ways. You can either make money directly from advertising, or you can make money through affiliate marketing.


This is the simplest way to make money on YouTube. If you are a YouTuber and you want to make money from advertising, the only thing you need to do is to upload your videos.

Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a bit more complicated than advertising, but it has the potential to be more lucrative. Affiliate marketing is when a YouTuber agrees to promote a product that is produced by someone else.

How do I make money from YouTube videos.

The simple answer is that you can make money from YouTube views, but it takes a lot of work. You need to be consistent in your content, get good at making videos, and continue to improve your skills.

There are a few different ways that you can make money from YouTube.


This is the most common way that people make money from YouTube. The idea is that you take a payment from a company that gives you money for each person that watches your video. The money you get is based on the number of views your video gets.

The most common way that this works is that you get paid for every 1,000 views. That means that as long as your video gets at least 1,000 views, you get paid.

However, this is not the only way that this can work. You could also get paid if your video gets a certain amount of views.

The youtube adsense program seems to be the most prominent online advertising program.


The most important thing about the adsense program is that it is free and relatively easy to get approved for it.

Here is how it works. You create a website with adsense on it. You can choose to make it free, or you can choose to make it charge a monthly fee. There are a few different levels that you can choose, and the higher the level, the higher the pay rate.

You can choose to create an account and just let it sit there. Or you can go through the process of getting approved.

When you do get approved, you can choose to make the adsense program a free or charge a monthly fee.

Once you have gotten an account with adsense, you have to sit back and wait for the money to start coming in. That is because you have to get people to visit your website, and to click on the ads that you have on your website.

You have to be active on youtube.

However, I have personally found that around 1,000 views per video

However, I don’t think that 1,000 views per video is the end all be all solution.

The number of views that you need will depend on two things.

How much money you want to make from your YouTube channel

The quality of your videos

So, let’s look at these two things.

How much money do you want to make?

There are a few different ways that you can make money from YouTube, and they all have different numbers in terms of how much money you are going to make.

Subscription Content

If you are a content creator, you can make money through subscriptions. This is very similar to how you would make money from a blog.

You can make a video and put it on youtube.



It's all about the video and your content. With that said, here are some facts about YouTube's algorithm and how it works.

The number of views on your videos does not affect the rankings of your videos.

It's not the number of views that determines if you will become a YouTuber or not.

It is the quality of your content and the popularity of your channel.


Subscribe to youtube.

So, how many views do you need? Well, if you want to get rich, you need to get to 500,000+ views per video. So, how many views do you need to make money? Well, that depends on how successful you want to be.

If you want to be successful, you need to focus on growing your subscriber base and growing your channel. If you want to make a living off of YouTube, you need to get to 500,000+ per video.

However, if you want to be the next PewDiePie, you can get away with making as few as 1,000 views per video if you have a large subscriber base.

But, if you are not aiming to get to 500,000+ views per video, then you can make a living with about 1,000 subscribers to your channel.

Become active on it.



I'd say the magic number is about 1,000,000. Once you have that, you're making a living off YouTube.

The problem with that is that it's only the beginning. You can then use your YouTube channel to build up a following. Then, you can make money from your audience.

I would say that the magic number for making a living of YouTube is around 1 million.

But you can always make more than that. You can always make more than that.

It is not magic. You can make it to over a million, but remember, you have to be consistent with your content, and you need an audience.

In my case, I created a channel that is similar to a cooking channel, and I have an audience. I am able to make a living from my YouTube channel.

Upload at least one video a week.

This may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised how many people don't make videos. If you want to make money off of YouTube, you need to upload videos regularly.

It depends on your channel and your target audience.

If you have a YouTube channel about cooking, you can probably make a decent living off of videos where you demonstrate how to do common recipes.

However, if you're a YouTuber about video games, you're going to have a lot more success if you have an average of 1,000,000 views to your videos.

How long should my videos be

So how long should my videos be? That is a common question asked by content creators on YouTube. It is also one of the most important things to consider, so I'm going to cover that in this section.

A good rule of thumb is to keep your videos between 2 and 4 minutes long.

The reason why I recommend this is because if your videos are too short, your viewers will lose interest.

When your viewers lose interest, they will leave your channel and not watch any more of your videos.

If your videos are too long, your viewers will lose interest.

How many views should I get on my first video to make money?

This is another common question asked by content creators on YouTube. The answer is not so simple.

The amount of money you can make from YouTube is largely dependent on the number of views your videos generate.

If you have 1,000 views your first video, you're going to have a hard time making money.

How many views should i achieve before i start making money?

This is yet another common question asked by content creators on YouTube. The answer is not so simple.

Can I monetize my videos?

Can I monetize my videos?

Is it possible to make money off of your YouTube videos?

This is another common question asked by content creators on YouTube. The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems.

While there are ways to make money on YouTube, the amount of money you can make is largely dependent on the number of views your videos generate.

How to get views on youtube

How to get views on YouTube? This is a common question asked by content creators on the platform.